Friday, November 12, 2010

Christian schools 'doing something right'

Great letter to the editor today in The Oklahoman from Robert Bostick of Altus:
I heard Janet Barresi speak regarding our educational system when she was in southwest Oklahoma early this summer visiting a Republican women's group. In all my years of hearing candidates I thought, "Here is someone who makes sense." I wish her luck.

As far as reforming the educational system, I do not think money is the issue. All the Christian-based schools that spend about half of what the state spends, and yet turn out top-drawer students, must be doing something right. Even homeschoolers do better. How about a study to see how they do it and make that the school "business" model? The solution is parental involvement, teachers who know how to teach, and directing students into a curriculum in which they will be suited to succeed -- not a cookie-cutter approach.

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